First 24 hour swim in Ireland

The day I became a Zombie Picture courtesy of Vanessa Daws First Irish 24 hour swim in Waterford ( Picture courtesy of Vanessa Daws) A friend John Gilbert from Pulse Triathlon suggested he was going to swim 6h in Waterford. I asked him to send me the email and I discovered there was a 24h swim, which consisted of 24 times 1 mile swim. I emailed the race organiser, Colm and asked him if I could attempt to swim a full marathon. I am preparing to swim the channel for Croi in Agust 2011 and needed a preparation race. Well this is my story swimming the first Irish 24h ultra swim. Me and John Gilbert as a friend and crew where he swam the 6h ! I found interesting while preparing my bag that you only need a swim tog, goggles, towel and hats to make such an event. The hydration and nutrition part was very heavy compare to the equipment required. We all had a different challenge, the guys planned to do a steady 1mile 24 times with 30min recovery...