Self-reflection in self-isolation

I have been a military nurse and later an international coach for years. Like, everyone, I read, listen and watch carefully what is going on. I notice an increase of public panic and paranoia. Increase of articles trying to find faults in everything and a way to blame someone. Teachers are criticised for not home-schooling children immediately. Do people didn’t notice we are in an unprecedented emergency? Children will catch up soon enough, a few months won’t harm them. You as a parent are the ones putting that pressure with a deadline to pass exams and compete with other parents. As a parent, you are responsible to educate them. What a great opportunity to learn more about hygiene, viruses, manners toward vulnerable people or even career options. What more valuable education are you looking for? It reminds me of people trying to be busy at work for the sake of being busy. Rather than looking to make the business more efficient and be creative, innovative they worry to lose the...