Portumna Marathon, a must do.

This one is not written by myself but does talk about me so thought I would share : Portumna has become a ‘must do’ event for those who know of its magic and what better way to describe it to other runners than from another runners race report. The following is an excerpt from one of Ireland’s best-known ultra marathoners – Gerry Duffy. Gerry has completed 32 marathons in 32 days and 10 full distance Iron Man events in 10 consecutive days. In his own word’s Gerry describes Portumna Forest Marathon…. Mike Curley Cunningham 2015 50k winner “A clue to its attraction is that it is organised by runners. Its founder – Sebastien Locteau – is a French native who lives in these parts. By day Seb runs ‘Sports Ireland’ a high performance coaching company. Indeed, Seb’s sporting CV is longer than some of his endurance events. Along with a great team -in his spare time- he gives back to sport by organising great events. Fr...