Coaches are time lords !

Our lives are based on time; life expectancy, working hours, birthday, all kind of anniversary, TV, appointments, sleep, meals and more. A coach is certainly someone with a time obsessive disorder, everything needs to be planned and calculated in advance. Some of my programs are more than 4 years ahead of schedule which includes variation with injuries, traveling abroad, studying, life changed plans, or if the progress does not match the expectations at that particular time I need to draw a different time line. Even a basic plan will do with a new or young athlete; things don’t need to be too complicated: Sebastien Locteau with Double Olympian Michael Carruth gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. We also “Play” with the past results or even their physiological made up, if they grow fast or slow, what time of the year they were born, how the parents do look like, if they are tall, small and their shape. It give us an idea how what we could expect...